Our Family 2014

Our Family 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Give The Glory To God!

Fairly often my husband and I will hear from people how amazed they are by "what we are doing." They wonder how we do it...caring for all the children, managing the household, taking what appears to be great steps of faith. My answer always comes back to Jesus.

First of all, the faith that we have comes from Jesus, I cannot claim it as my own. The ability to provide comes from Jesus, as He stretches every dollar and guides us in how to save and transforms our ideas on what we need and want. How we care for the children is never perfect but is through the strength and love that Jesus gives to us; managing the household is the same.

I believe that each one of us who is committed in our walk with Christ (and no it's not a perfect walk without distractions and lulls) gives our all to our family whether 1 child or 20. When God calls you to parent, by birth or adoption, He knows what we need, in every sense, to do it, and He provides. He provides the needs, the strength, and the love.

Through many of conversation, I get the feeling that people often miss their tremendous and important role in the Body of Christ. I have friends that are incredible prayer warriors. These ladies possess a gift I do not have but at times envy. I have had some appear blown away by our family and what God is doing through us but seem to miss the tremendous things God is using them for. We don't post pictures of them meeting every morning to intercede for others in prayer. We don't see the pictures and hear the updates about them on their knees crying out to Jesus with a burdened heart for the needs of others. Instead they are quietly in the background moving mountains with their obedience and faithfulness to pray. Someday when they meet Jesus face-to-face, they will begin to comprehend their incredible impact on the world, in the lives of others, and for the glory of God, but until then, they really cannot see it all. Without those prayer warriors where would my family be?

What about those gifted to serve? Where would my family be if we were not surrounded by gifted servants? I see it in their teachers and therapists most. My family is beyond blessed for such servants of Christ; without them our family would not flourish or function the way it does.

Teachers of the His Word are of such great importance to our family; this not only includes pastors, children's ministry workers, and youth leaders but also family friends and many times, other home school parents. We need to surround ourselves with God's Truth and it will never be possible for us to do that on our own. Our own spiritual needs are greatly fed by these very people as well. We should never take for granted these much needed teachers!

There are those who encourage! We are constantly up against the enemy and the deceived people of this fallen world. You may be surprised at how many people have discouraging things to say about families like ours who have many children and who continue to adopt children with special needs. You encouragers keep us going and remind us that Jesus is on our side.

And I certainly cannot leave out those who give. Without those who are generous with what they have been given and use what they have to further the Kingdom of God and desire to see God's work completed make things happen that otherwise could not. God uses people to help provide. He draws the Body of Christ together and moves hearts so that we join in our efforts to overcome the financial obstacles this fallen world has placed before us to redeem lives and make orphans into daughters and sons. What the enemy uses for evil, God will turn around and use it for good.

We all play each one of these roles at times but we generally are gifted greater in one area over others.

We are the Body of Christ. Only together can we be the hands and feet of Jesus. Adoption is NEVER just about one family adopting; it's about the Body of Christ loving the least of these.

So when you look at our family and feel any sense of amazement, give the glory to God. It is His hand touching hearts and the Body of Christ that make this possible; we just happen to be one of the families He has chosen to place these children in but without YOU many more orphans would remain and die alone even if you never adopt.

Give glory to God!

PS God provided the remaining funds for trip 1!! Praise to the King!

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